Business Plan & Feasibility Studies
The Auditor is the part of your business even before you
start the business. With an extensive experience of working with different
industry and clients, Auditor helps you build a Business Plan for your
investments and relieve you from the stress of rigorous Market Research.
With our engagement, you get your requirements like Market
Analysis, Demographic Study & Feasibility Report as per your requirement.
Auditors do various feasibility studies and derive different
financial ratios for you to acquire capital and make wise investment decisions
with the results.
Due Diligence Audit
Considering the idea of Audit Services In Dubai, it stays at
the forefront of finance. Trying into the explanation of the particular meaning
of Auditing, it deals with the review or analysis, of a process or quality
system, to confirm compliance with requirements. An audit will apply to an
entire organization or can be specific to a function, process, or production
step. Due diligence isn't restricted to monetary health but extends to areas
- Production due diligence audit
- Marketing due diligence audit
- Management due diligence audit
- Industry environment due to diligence audit
- Info-Systems due diligence Audit
- Reconciliation due diligence audit
- Legal/environment due to diligence audit
- Compatibility due to diligence audit
External Audit
While the rules and laws keep ever-changing, the basics
don't. Meeting the stakeholder's & investors' expectations go with
transparency, completeness and proper disclosures in monetary statements.
Stages of the typical Audit include:
- Set up and design an Audit Approach
- Perform a test of Managements and Substantive analysis of Transactions
- Perform quantitative Procedures and Tests of Details of Balances
- Complete the Audit and Issue an Audit Report
Internal Audit
Internal Audit is an independent process, objective
assurance and consulting activity designed to add value to an organization's
operations. Internal Audit is a holistic activity as it brings a systematic and
disciplined approach to companies operations. It improves by and sizeable
complete health of the organization and improves the effectiveness of risk
management, control, and governance processes.
The scope of internal Audit is
- Organization's governance
- Risk management and management control over the effectiveness of operations (including the safeguarding of assets)
- Reliability of financial and management reporting
- Compliance with laws and regulations
Investigative Audit
Investigative Audit, also known as Forensic Audit is a dual
disciplinary strategy which involves extensive know-how in accountancy and
investigation seeking fraudulent activities and finding the missing money.
- Hiring a third-party auditor comes with many pros
- Auditors specialize in such Auditing, so they know what to look for and where.
- No professional or personal relationship with the employees. Hence, the findings will be unbiased.
- For an errorless and just auditing, you need to hire experts and often such Audit leads to criminal prosecution in case of fraud findings.
- Not only this can be a damage control activity, but also auditors can help you find loopholes in your existing system
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